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Oil Skimmer

Magnet cum Paper band Filtration system

Working of magnet cum paper band filtraion

When the coolant first entersmagnetic cum paper band system, magnets fitted in the unit remove ferrous metal particles. After this the coolant passes through filter paper where nonferrous particles such as brass, copper, aluminum, and stainless dust are filtered. After one round of filtering from the paper, a fresh filter paper is inserted into the system, and the coolant passes through it. The switching of filter papers takes place automatically after a float switch is triggered following the first round of filtration.
Magnetic cum paper band filter offers high-quality filtering for coolant in honing machines, grinding machines, machining centers and transfer lines. The unit can also be used for rolling mills. Span Associates is a leading manufacturer of magnetic cum paper band filtration systems in India. Span magnetic cum paper band system combines the magnetic and paper-based filtration techniques to filter out ferrous as well as non-ferrous particles. The filter paper is laid on to a conveyor belt driven by a geared motor. The motor is moved forward by a float switch, controlling the motion of the filter paper.


Fine product finish & dimensional accuracy
Increased tool and coolant life
Controls coolant temperature
Cost-efficient operation
Low maintenance


Technical Specification

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